Lab-on-Fiber GmbH is focused on the development, commercialization and production of innovative fiber delivery and laser systems to improve outcomes of laser surgery and patient safety.
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Our fiber probes are compatible with several laser devices commercially available in the market.
Selected Indications of Lab-on-Fiber laser probes can be listed but not limited to: Endovenous Laser Treatment, Laser Assisted Lipolysis, Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression, Dacryocystorhinostomy, ENT Applications, Excision of Tumors, Tonsillectomy, Chondroplasty, Pneumology. Soft tissue sections (e.g. urethral stricture, posterior urethral valves, endopyelotomy, bladder neck contractures), resection and ablation (e.g. benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), condyloma, penile carcinoma, bladder and skin hemangioma), lithotripsy (e.g. renal pelvis, ureter and bladder), tissue coagulation (e.g. vasectomy, incision, diverticulum or fistulas, bladder augmentation, and urinary diversion)
We offer also laser safety training and user training for healthcare professionals and other staff working with lasers.
Lab-on-Fiber celebrates 8 years, and we thank all our customers for support given in the last years. Be part of this endeavour! Get in contact!
Lab-on-Fiber publishes its 4th patent with international approach for Glaucoma treatmetn. More to come soon […]
© Lab-on-Fiber GmbH 2023